Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten


Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum

Ravensbrück Memorial Museum

Death March Memorial in Below Forest

Memorial and Museum Lieberose in Jamlitz

International Conference "Europe in the Concentration Camps. The Expanded Camp System 1944"

02. February - 05. February 2025

It was only relatively late, around the turn of 1944/45, that the National Socialist concentration camp system reached its greatest expansion and its highest number of prisoners. Although the history of individual camps and subcamps has now been comparatively well researched, there is a lack of a comprehensive overview of the origins, structure and living conditions of prisoner society in its maximum extent. Who were the prisoners, why and where did they come to the camps? In particular, the connection with the radical German fight against resistance throughout Europe, but also with the late phase of the Holocaust, has so far only been made to a very limited extent. The conference addresses these gaps by bringing together expertise on various topic areas and regions.

The conference takes place in cooperation with the University of Klagenfurt, the Federal Agency for Civic Education and the Topography of Terror Foundation.


The program is available HERE.

The conference language is English.

Registration and inqueries: buchmeier(at)



Topography of Terror Documentation Centre
Niederkirchnerstr. 8
10964 Berlin



Contactsperson: Kolja Buchmeier

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