The Foundation’s offices are located in the building formerly used by the “Concentration Camps Inspectorate” in Oranienburg, which has largely been preserved in its original condition. The Foundation’s Director, who also heads the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum, is based here. Following the retirement of Prof. Günter Morsch, who was the Foundation’s Director for many years, the Foundation has now been headed since 1 June 2018 by the historian Dr. Axel Drecoll.
The administrative department, responsible for running all the Foundation’s institutions, is located on the first floor of the east wing of the building. Its sub-departments are responsible for budgetary matters, personnel, building work and projects.
The staff office for press and publicity is also housed in the Foundation’s offices.
The basis in law for the work of the Foundation is the Regulation on the Setting-Up of the Foundation Established under Public Law “Brandenburg Memorials” (Verordnung über die Errichtung der Stiftung öffentlichen Rechts "Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten") in the version of 27 June 2023.
On the stairway and in the former office of the Inspector of Concentration Camps there is a permanent exhibition on the history of this central administrative authority for all concentration camps.